The Parker Family have now been fishing Smithston across three generations and for more than 25 years.
Leslie Parker started fishing in his retirement initially locally in Yorkshire for trout and latterly in Scotland for Salmon. He joined the Smithston Fishings Club soon after its launch with his friend Ron Hourston. From 2004, his son Jeremy joined him for a few days each year – when work and other commitments would allow. When Jeremy retired, he and his father would make an annual trip to “enjoy the river and each others company for the week”.
Sadly, Leslie passed away in 2019, having fished for a final session on the Doon in his 83rd year. Since then Jeremy has continued to travel from West Sussex each year to fish the river. And, in 2021, he was joined by his daughter Elizabeth – who caught her first salmon on the Smithston Water (which was proudly netted by our Club Chairman)!
Leslie and Jeremy Parker, October 2004, Jeremy’s first visit to the Doon
Leslie Parker, October 2018, aged 83 enjoying what was to be his last season fishing the Doon
Elizabeth Parker, October 2021 caught her first Salmon!