Whilst Smithston Fishings Club (SFC) have sought to make the fishing, and moving about the river as safe as possible, accidents while fishing and general recreation can and do happen - most are preventable. Even the most routine exercise or activity has the potential to cause injury. Accordingly, this page sets out the risks that we might encounter while fishing and alerts everyone to the measures we might reasonably take in preventing accidents.
Those fishing on the Smithston Water should be fully aware of the inherent dangers and risks, to their person and property, associated with activity in which they wish to participate. In this familiarity, they voluntarily participate in their fishing in the full knowledge and awareness of the possible dangers and risks involved and agree to accept and assume any - and all - risks of property damage, personal injury, or death.
SFC does not provide insurance to fishermen on the Smithston Water and anyone who wishes to be covered should look to their own insurance. SFC hereby waives any responsibility and liability to any damages and injuries resulting from activity on the river.
Although the River Doon at Smithston is not particularly deep in most places, it can be fast flowing, particularly in high water. There is little need to wade in most circumstances, and wading is discouraged in high water conditions.
Any fisherman observing what they consider to be a fresh risk or hazard - however modest - is urged to alert the River Keeper and the Factor. The potential proximity and impact will be assessed and a priority/action for mitigation given.
It is the responsibility of anglers to take due care when fishing and moving around the banks of the beats. Whilst walkways and stiles are provided in many places, and the bankside paths maintained, anglers should always take due care, particularly in wet conditions.
To ensure member and visitor safety, a full risk assessment will be sent by email to all those joining or purchasing a visitor permit.